After you have paid for the bike fitting, we will contact you via email or phone to schedule an appointment at our store for the bike fitting.
Bike Fitting (Bike Measurement)
Comfort Equals Speed: How Comfortable Are You?
At Bikeshoe4U, we're not only focussed on cycling shoes but also offer bike fitting services. One of the key aspects of optimizing cycling shoes is the adjustment of cleats. This sparked our journey into bike fitting. As we began to fine-tune cleat positions, many customers started asking about their overall cycling posture. This led us to the specialisation of bike fitting alongside with our shoe offerings.
A Good Cycling Position Starts with Your Shoes!
We know you want to #slamthatstem, embrace #aeroiseverything, or perhaps rock a big #windbreaker on the bike to avoid back pain. But is that truly the best for your body? Are you experiencing pain, numbness, instability, or simply struggling to achieve your cycling goals?
If you’re facing these issues or want to discover a better position for yourself on the bike, a bike fitting is what you need.
What is a Bike Fit?
While Google may provide a more comprehensive answer, here’s our interpretation of bike fitting:
A bike fit aims to find the best synchronization between the rider and the bike to create the most comfortable, efficient, powerful and safe riding position possible. The result of this optimized position can dramatically transform your experience while riding and enhance your overall performance on the bike.
How do we do it?
Shoe-Fitting, that is our first step to a proper Bike-Fitting, more on Shoe-Fitting here
Step 1 - Intake
Getting to know you better by knowing your goals on your bike-rides, your problems, pain, or plainly just asking what are you trying to do with that extreme saddle tilt?
Step 2 - Shoe-fitting
Shoe-Fitting, that is our first step to a proper Bike-Fitting, more on Shoe-Fitting here
Step 3 - Short side view analysis
Your side view analysis can tell us a lot if your saddle is too high or too low, do you need to move forward or not, or how painful saddle angle can be (ouch).
Step 4 – Knee alignment
A wild movement on your knee can make you unstable on your bike, or even injury can occur over long hours on your bike. Knee alignment is an important factor to help the movement of your legs on the bike by adjusting your cleat and shoe to pedal contact.
Step 5 – Back view
The confirmation of a good knee alignment is seen here, your back view can show us how stable you are on the bike when you pedal, and if your adjustment gives you a better support or not.
Step 6 – Side adjustment
Now, its time to fix that extreme painful angle of your saddle (or not). Here we will adjust your saddle height, the tilt of your saddle, and find the best possible position that will give you that balanced, comfort enjoyable ride even if we have to change saddles multiple times.
Step 7 – Adjusting the handlebar/sizing stem
We can already see your smile on your face now that we fixed that saddle tilt, now we are going to fix why you can't reach your brakes, or attempt that #aeroiseverything position if that can work for you. The main goal of this step is to make sure your cockpit is reachable, nice to handle and you finally get what you're looking for on your position.
Step 8 – Measure the bike and complete the report
Okay, now you like how you sit on your bike, we put a new stem in, new handlebar in, and you love how your new saddle holds your ehm.. behind. Then a report of all the changes we made with the measurement will be given to you as you ride into your new adventure with your bike.
Like what they said, you never know what's better until you try a better one.
Bike Fit Pricing at Bikeshoe4U
Cleat Adjustment on the Bike (Approx. 30 min.)
(Fore/aft position, rotation, varus/valgus)
Complete Bike Fit (Approx. 2-3 hours)
Steps 1 through 8 (see above)
Foot Measurement (Approx. 30 min.)
(Fee waived with purchase of shoes)
After you have paid for the bike fitting, we will contact you via email or phone to schedule an appointment at our store for the bike fitting.
Want to make an appointment (in-store only) via the contactform? click here